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No, of the sphere

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Q: Is a ball an example of the circle?
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What kind of pattern is ball square ball square ball?

This pattern is a sequence of shapes -- circle, square, circle, square, circle

Why is the ball in baseball circle?

the ball is in the base ball circle because it is being played by the players that are playig with them

What is the circle in the center of the basketball court called?

thej are for jump ball´s ,the closest circle is used ;)

What does a ball look like?

a circle

What kind of shape of a ball?

A sphere/circle is like the shape of a ball.

What keeps the force of a ball on a string moving in a circle?

The centripetal force, directed towards the center of the circle, keeps the ball on a string moving in a circle. This force is provided by the tension in the string, which constantly pulls the ball towards the center, preventing it from moving in a straight line. The ball's velocity remains tangential to the circle due to the centripetal force acting perpendicular to the velocity vector, resulting in circular motion.

What is a different way of saying 'circle'?

round ball is a way of saying circle

What is the 3 dimentional of circle?

A 3-D circle is a "sphere" (a ball shape).

Why is a circle like a ball?

The ball is circle in shape because it is spherical in form and it is easier to control or to handle. Like the ring in the basketball,it is seems like a shape in a ball(spherical) so that it is easy to shoot the ball into the ring.

What shape is a tennis ball?

It is a sphere.

What type ball does not have straight sides?

a circle

What is a 3d circle called a ball?

A Sphere