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Q: What line can be gentle or steep?
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How can one tell if a slope is steep or gentle?

looking at it

What type of slope will erode quicker a gentle slope or a steep slope?

A steep slope, due to the velocity of the water/runoff.

What does a steep line in a graph look like?

It looks for all the world exactly as if it were a steep line.

Widely spaced contour lines indicate a?

Widely spaced contour lines indicate a gradual slope, while closely spaced lines indicate a steep slope.

Do steep hills erode faster than gentle hills?

Steep Hill Erodes Faster. The Water Picks Up Speed And More Energy To Wear Away The Earth. Generally, hills will be steep because they are made of resistant rock; whereas gentle hills will have that shape because they are made of rock that is easily eroded. Hence steep hills will not necessarily erode faster than gentle ones. However, if a hill is steep because it has recently been formed by tectonic activity, and it comprises soft rock, it will erode faster than a more gentle hill of the same material.

If Contour lines are close together the land has a gentle slope?

The closer the contours, the steeper the slope.

What does a steep curve on a line graph indicate?

What does a steep looks like

How can you determine whether the contour on a tropographic map show a gradual slope?

You can tell if a landform has a steep or gentle slope by looking at it. If the hill is small, it is not steep. A steep slope would be at more of an incline.

What is the definitions of cues?

A ridge of limestone with a steep slope and a gentle slope on the other side

What is the slope of horizontal line?

The slope of a horizontal line is zero. That's because the slope measures how steep the line is, and a flat line is not steep at all and therefore has no slope.

Does a steep line have a negative slope?

Yes, a steep line typically has a negative slope. The slope of a line represents the rate at which the line is increasing or decreasing. In the case of a steep line that is sloping downwards from left to right, the slope is considered negative.

What is a gentle slope?

When the contour lines are farther apart, this means that the slopes between them are gentle. On the other side, if the contour interval is smaller, the slope will be steep.