Conversion factor I think it is a unit fraction?!?!?!?!?
174/100 or 87/50
The conversion factor is 0.1
Yes. They are identical volumes, so the value of the fraction is ' 1 '.
The conversion factor is 0.91
A conversion factor is a fraction that is always equal to 1. This allows you to convert between different units by multiplying the quantity you have by the conversion factor.
The conversion fraction is 1/12.
The conversion factor fraction used to convert cups to liters is 0.2366 liters per cup.
No. It would be very unusual for a conversion factor to equal one.
Conversion factor I think it is a unit fraction?!?!?!?!?
174/100 or 87/50
In a conversion factor, the numerator and denominator of the fraction represent the same quantity but are expressed in different units. This allows you to convert from one unit to another.
conversion factor
The conversion factor, for converting from UNITA to UNITB is the number of UNITB in each UNITA. There are 3.2808 feet in 1 metre so the conversion factor for converting metres into feet is 3.2808.
The question cannot be answered because it is based on an incorrect understanding of a conversion factor. For example, the conversion factor for inches to millimetres is 25.4 mm = 1 inch. It never, ever has the value 1.
The fraction then is written in its simplest form
For two measurements to be a conversion factor, they must represent the same quantity but in different units. The ratio should equal 1 and can be written as a fraction where the units cancel out, allowing you to convert from one unit to another.