Not necessarily. They are simply two different ways of writing numbers that can be big or small.
Uh . . . . . .no a fraction is less than a whole like a decimal. a number a whole. Therefore a fraction is less than a number.
A millimetre is a fixed distance, whereas a decimal is a way of writing a value. The question is like asking if a foot is bigger than a fraction. A foot may be bigger than a fraction of a yard or a mile, but it is certainly not bigger than a proper fraction of an inch.
You can make a fraction that is bigger, or smaller, than a mixed number.
7/10 is bigger than 2/5
7.5 is bigger than 5.77 but .5 is smaller than .77 so 5.77 has the bigger decimal than 7.5
Uh . . . . . .no a fraction is less than a whole like a decimal. a number a whole. Therefore a fraction is less than a number.
A millimetre is a fixed distance, whereas a decimal is a way of writing a value. The question is like asking if a foot is bigger than a fraction. A foot may be bigger than a fraction of a yard or a mile, but it is certainly not bigger than a proper fraction of an inch.
No, it is not. 0.25 is more significant than 1/5
Neither, they are the same. For instance the decimal number 0.75 is equal to the fraction of 3/4.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 2/5 is equal to 0.4.Expressed as a decimal fraction, 1/3 is equal to 0.3 recurring (that is, 0.3333...)Therefore, 2/5 is bigger than 1/3.
A fraction bigger than one is an improper fraction.
Well 3/8 converted into a decimal is 0.38 and 2/3 converted to a decimal is 0.67 . So logically 2/3 would be bigger then 3/8 because usually the smaller the fraction the bigger the percent or decimal is.
53.125 is bigger than 52.916666.
No! The fraction seven eighths is bigger than the fraction four fifths.
You can make a fraction that is bigger, or smaller, than a mixed number.
7/10 is bigger than 2/5
7.5 is bigger than 5.77 but .5 is smaller than .77 so 5.77 has the bigger decimal than 7.5