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It is a terminating decimal.

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Q: Is a decimal whose division ends?
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What is a decimal whose division ends?

It is a terminating decimal fraction.

What is a decimal whose digits end?

a terminating decimal. An example is the decimal for 1/4 is .25 and that ends or terminates.

What is an automorphic number?

An automorphic number is a number whose decimal representation of its square ends in itself, for example, 5 squared equals 25.

What is a decimal that stops or ends?

Terminating decimal

What is A decimal that ends is called?

It is a terminating decimal.

How can you explain if you can write a division expression as a decimal?

You can always write a numerical division expression as a decimal.

How do you turn a division into a decimal fraction?

You do a long division, adding decimal digits until you get a remainder of zero (terminating decimal) or a repeating pattern of decimal digits.

What is a decimal number that ends or divides evenly?

It is a number which, when expressed as a rational number in its simplest form, has a denominator whose only prime factors are 2 or 5.

What is the name for a decimal number that ends?

It is a terminating decimal.

How can you relate decimals with rationals?

-- Any decimal that ends is a rational number. -- Any decimal that never ends may or may not be a rational number. -- The decimal representation of an irrational number never ends.

What is terminating and non terminating numbers?

A terminating decimal number is one whose decimal representation ends after a final number of digits. A non-terminating decimal number is one whose decimal representation goes on forever. It could be in the form of a number-string that repeats infinitely, for example, 2/11 = 0.18181818.... or one in which there is no pattern (all irrational numbers). Analogous definitions apply to numbers expressed in other bases.

What do you call a decimal that never ends?

A non-terminating decimal.