It is a terminating decimal.
A decimal point indicates the point where a whole number ends and the fractional number begins.
A decimal without a remainder is a whole number or integer.
Decimal numbers that end or recur are known as terminating or repeating decimals. 0.75 is a terminating decimal. 0.4444 repeating is a repeating decimal.
A terminating decimal.
-- Any decimal that ends is a rational number. -- Any decimal that never ends may or may not be a rational number. -- The decimal representation of an irrational number never ends.
It is a terminating decimal.
Terminating decimal
It is a terminating decimal.
a terminating decimal, like 0.75
the decimjal number for Pi.
Irrational number
A whole number.
A decimal point indicates the point where a whole number ends and the fractional number begins.
A decimal without a remainder is a whole number or integer.
There is no place where there is a call!