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Q: Is a greater number of states a significant strength?
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What had controlled of the great number of states the north or the south?

The north controlled the greater number of states

Which had control of the greater number of states the confederate or us?


Which had contarol of the greater number of statesthe confederate states or the US?


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it included a number of independent city-states with competing rulers

Which had greater number of states confederate or US?

At the outbreak of the US Civil War in 1861, the United States consisted of 19 free States and 15 slave States. Eleven slave States withdrew from the Union and made up the Confederate States of America. The Union had the greater number of States and among these States, several of them, plus Washington DC, were loyal to the Union but had slaves until the War's end in 1865.

The US that you know today was heavily influenced by One significant characteristic is the number of from southern states who moved to cities in the northern states?

A. the Great Migration; African Americans

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How many Marines have died fighting for the United States?

Countless, yet no matter the number, we will always honor them and continue fighting for the greater good.

Which had control of the greater number of states the confederate states or the US how many states did each control?

The Union had more states. That was the essence of the big debate - Northern dominance of Congress, and freedom to raise taxes on imports that the South needed more than the North.

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States with significant coal deposits include Wyoming, West Virginia, and Kentucky. States with significant oil deposits include Texas, Alaska, and North Dakota.

What is the social impact theory?

Social impact theory states that the influence of others on an individual is determined by the strength, immediacy, and number of people in the social situation. It suggests that conformity and obedience increase as the social impact from others becomes greater. The theory posits that individuals are more likely to conform or obey when they perceive a strong, immediate, and numerous social influence.