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Q: Is a normally distributed variable needed to have a normally distributed sampling distribution.?
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What does it mean when you say a variable is normally distributed?

It means that the probability distribution function of the variable is the Gaussian or normal distribution.

Concept of Probability sampling and chi square test?

A probability sampling method is any method of sampling that utilizes some form of random selection. See: The simple random sample is an assumption when the chi-square distribution is used as the sampling distribution of the calculated variance (s^2). The second assumption is that the particular variable is normally distributed. It may not be in the sample, but it is assumed that the variable is normally distributed in the population. For a very good discussion of the chi-square test, see:

How to present a variable that is not normally distributed?

There are many variables that are not normally distributed. You can describe them using a probability distribution function or its cumulative version; you can present them graphically.

What you mean by saying random variable is approximately normally distributed?

Exactly "what it says on the tin"! The distribution is nearly, but not quite, the standard normal, or Gaussiam distribution.

When doing a t-test what does normal distributed in population mean?

It means that the random variable of interest is Normally distributed and so the t-distribution is an appropriate distribution for the test rather than just an approximation.

What does it mean for a population to be normally distributed?

A Gaussian distribution is the "official" term for the Normal distribution. This is a probability density function, of the exponential family, defined by the two parameters, its mean and variance. A population is said to be normally distributed if the values that a variable of interest can take have a normal or Gaussian distribution within that population.

What will be the sampling distribution of the mean for a sample size of one?

It will be the same as the distribution of the random variable itself.

What is a variable that is normally distributed?


Can you think of a variable that is normally distributed?

The value of a roll of two dice is normally distributed.

What is the formula to convert normal distribution to the standard normal distribution?

If a variable X, is distributed Normally with mean m and standard deviation s thenZ = (X - m)/s has a standard normal distribution.

How chi square distribution is extension of normal distribution?

Given "n" random variables, normally distributed, and the squared values of these RV are summed, the resultant random variable is chi-squared distributed, with degrees of freedom, k = n-1. As k goes to infinity, the resulant RV becomes normally distributed. See link.

Why is the central limit theorem an important idea for dealing with a population not normally distributed?

According to the Central Limit Theorem, even if a variable has an underlying distribution which is not Normal, the means of random samples from the population will be normally distributed with the population mean as its mean.