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Q: Is a secular third order membership an apostilic classification or a consecrated one?
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What are the components of a time series What external factors might affect each of the different components?

secular trend , seasonal variation , cyclic variation & irregular variation population,technology;climate &weather condition,customs,traditions&habits;

Is the bible made up?

No. The old testament is the history of the Jews. The new testament is the record of Jesus Christ and his disciples. The people mentioned in the bible were real people from history. Secular history confirms this. As far as the miracles in the bible most can not be proven today, but taken upon faith that the bible is also the word of God in truth.

What is the difference between studying the Bible and reading it?

Simply put, the result of reading something is knowing what it says. The result of studying something is understanding what it means. With secular literature, casual reading often results in understanding because the information is right on the surface. This is not so with the Bible, in which the spiritual concepts run far deeper than a casual reading will reveal.

What was Saint Joseph's last name?

Joseph, like Jesus, in secular society would have borne his fathers name. Jesus would have been known as "Jesus ben-Joseph." Since, however, the geneology of Jesus is slightly cloudy, once one gets past Joseph, Josephs name may have been Joseph ben-Jacob or Joseph ben-Heli.

Do Christians believe that the world was created as it states in the bible?

Some Christian denominations believe and teach that the world was created according to biblical accounts, and other denominations do not. Denominations that do believe this are generally called fundamentalist denominations. The word fundamentalist does not refer to Christianity alone. Any religious group that holds to the belief that their holy writings are completely authoritative in every way, and beyond any secular criticism would be called a fundamentalist religion.

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Is rihanna a member of Satans church?

No, she is not.The Church of Satan's membership is not made public, but it is very unlikely she is a member. Most evidence suggests she is young and secular, and is not a loyal member of any church at this time in her life.

The Brandenburg Concerto is an example of Bach's what?

Secular music

What else is a Catholic Church used for?

.Catholic AnswerBefore it can be used, a Catholic Church must be consecrated by a Bishop. In a VERY solemn ceremony, the Bishop exorcises the new building, burns incense all around it, the altar is completely covered with Sacred Chrism, "anointed" as it were. The building is dedicated completely to God and set aside from all popular and secular use. At this point, the newly consecrated Church may be used for worship: for the Holy Mass, for singing of the Divine Office, the celebration of the other sacraments, etc. It may no longer be used for secular purposes - at all. There is no "what else", the Church is entirely dedicated to God, and may not be used by men except to serve God.

Why is Pakistan not secular?

no it is not a secular state

Is Mexico secular or sectarian?

It is secular.

A sentence for secular?

Secular refers to something that is not religious or spiritual in nature, such as a secular society that is separate from any specific religion.

Is the University of Texas religious or secular?


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Can I get a simple sentence using secular?

Kelly is secular in her beliefs. The current market slump is not cyclical but secular.

How did the Catholic Church respond to the Illuminati?

Well, the Illuminati suggestion that the Church stay out of secular government did not please them. It drew the attention of the Bishop of Nuremburg, who complained to his cousin the Duke of Bavaria, who ordered the Illuminati disband and hunted down their membership.

What is music called when it's not specifically related to the church religion or spirtuality?

This is called secular music.

Can you give me a sentence using the word secular in it?

The school promotes a secular education system that is inclusive of students from diverse religious backgrounds.