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A square is a four-sided figure with four 90-degree angles.

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Q: Is a square a 90 degree angle?
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What is angle of a square?

Each angle in a square is a right angle, or a 90 degree angle.

What is the biggest right angle in a square?

you cant have a big right angle in a square because a right angle is 90 degree's and only 90 degree's

How does a 90 degree angle look like?

A 90-degree angle looks like one corner of a square or a rectangle.

A 90 degree angle that forms a square corner?

that is an right angle

How is the 45 degree angle is useful?

if you double a 45 degree angle you have a perfectly perpendicular angle, a 90 degree square corner.

What is the sum of interior and exterior of a square?

Each square has 4, 90 degree angle so 4 time 90 gets you 360 so that the interior angle sun and so if you see a square from the 90 degree angle point to the outside it make a lines so that equals 90 degree so 90 +90 equals 180 a line so the inteior angle sum mesure is also 360.

How many angle in a square?

There are four, 90 degree angles

What name does a 90 degree angle go by?

A 90 degree angle is also known as right angle. A right angle (or 90 degrees) looks like an L shape. A square or rectangle's four corners are all 90 degrees.

What measures 90 degree?

The corner of a square measures 90 degrees which is a right angle.

What does a 90 degree angle look like?

A 90 degree angle, also known as a right angle, looks like the corner of a square or rectangle. The two lines that form the 90 degree angle are perpendicular to one another.

What is an 360 degree angle called?

A circle has 360 degrees and a square has four 90 degree angles as does a rectangle.It's called complementary. A 90 degree angle is called supplementary.

A 90 degree angle?

A 90 degree angle is a right angle.