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It could be any one of the above.

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Q: Is a table a graph or a formula listing all possible values that a discrete random variable can take on along with its associated probabilities?
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What is discrete probability distribution?

It is a function that gives the probabilities associated with the discrete number of values that a random variable can take.

What are some characteristics of probability?

It is a real number. It cannot be negative. The sum of the probabilities of all possible outcomes of a discrete variable is 1. Similarly, the integral of the probabilities over the whole range of possible outcomes of a continuous variable is 1.

What is distribution is statistics?

The distribution for a variable is the set of value that the variable can take and the probabilities associated with those value.

What is the difference between discrete and cumulative distributions?

A discrete distribution is one in which the random variable can take only a limited number of values. A cumulative distribution, which can be discrete of continuous, is the sum (if discrete) or integral (if continuous) of the probabilities of all events for which the random variable is less than or equal to the given value.

Is the number of people a discrete variable?

Yes, is a discrete variable.

What is a discrete variable?

A discrete variable is one that cannot take on all values within the limits of the variable.

Is the gender of college students a discrete random variable a continuous random variable or not a random variable?

It is a discrete random variable.

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What is the difference between continuous and discontinuous and discrete variables?

A continuous variable is a variable for which all possible representations are valid. A discrete variable is a variable for which only some representations are valid. Discontinuous variables apply to data sets where values recorded during particular periods are missing from the set.

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Is occupation discrete or continuous?

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Is date a discrete or continuous variable?

Date is a discrete variable whereas date/time would be continuous.