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Q: Is a variable a symbol that takes place of a number or value?
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What is the letter that takes the place of a number?

A variable

What is the letter that takes the place on a number in math?

A variable.

A letter that takes a place of a number?

a variable

What is the letter that takes the place of a number called?

The unknown or the variable

What is a varible in math?

In math, a variable is a symbol used to represent a value that can change or vary in a mathematical expression or equation. Variables typically are represented by letters such as x, y, or z and can be manipulated to solve problems or evaluate expressions.

What is 3 plus 4 times a number?

3+4x x is a variable which takes the place of a number

When replacing variable with constant?

Rewrite the expressions, equations or inequalities where the constant takes the place of each occurrence of the variable.

How do you describe a frequency Table?

It is a table that summarises data for a number of observations on a variable. For each value (or range of values) that the variable takes the table shows the number of instances in which the variable took that value.

What does T' mean in math?

T in the metric unit of weight is ton.

A is a letter that takes the place of a number?

Yes, it can be.

What is the definition of frequency table in math terms?

It is a table which shows a set of values that some variable takes and the number of times that it takes those values.

What is the meaning of random variable in probability distribution?

It is a variable that can take a number of different values. The probability that it takes a value in any given range is determined by a random process and the value of that probability is given by the probability distribution function.It is a variable that can take a number of different values. The probability that it takes a value in any given range is determined by a random process and the value of that probability is given by the probability distribution function.It is a variable that can take a number of different values. The probability that it takes a value in any given range is determined by a random process and the value of that probability is given by the probability distribution function.It is a variable that can take a number of different values. The probability that it takes a value in any given range is determined by a random process and the value of that probability is given by the probability distribution function.