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Q: Is a way of organizing data that is used to show changes that occur in related variables?
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A way of organizing data that is used to show changes that occur in related variables?

A line graph.

What is a way of organizing data that is used to show changed that occur in related variables?

A line graph.

What is a way of plotting data to show changes occur in related variables?

A scatterplot.

When would you choose a line graph to present data?

When i am showing changes that occur in related variables

Why do you need to keep variables the same?

In programming, variables change all the time. In scientific testing you control variables to determine what other changes occur.

What is descriptive design?

Description. Authors are justified in describing a phenomena. They may note certain variables that occur earlier in time appear to be (i.e., might be) related to variables that occur later, but this design does not justify causal statements.

What are degenerative changes?

Degenerative changes occur when the spine makes manifestations on its own. This often results in serious and painful problems related to the back such as osteoporosis or scoliosis.

How are evolution and reprodution related?

the rate of reproduction controls the speed of evolution because slight changes occur in every new generation.

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Return loss refers to the reflections that occur at changes in impedance.

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What is the function of chromosome changes that occur in mitosis?

These changes usually occur in meiosis not mitosis. It causes a mixing of the alleles.

Anova depends on having independent variables describe an abuse that might occur by having dependent variables?

there are three kinds of variables.a variable must be a situation,condition or a factor1.change or manipulated variables.-are the variables that are being tested or changed.2.constant variables.-are the variables that you are not intended to test or study,or the variables to be kept constant.3.responding variables.-are the results of the maipulated variables.