In programming, variables change all the time. In scientific testing you control variables to determine what other changes occur.
Variables work by telling you what you need to change, what to observe, and what to keep the same in a experiment.
well, if you want to add apples to bananas you can't do that it's the same with variables, the coefficients can be different but to add and subtract the variables have to be the same for ex: you can't do 4x+3y because they have different variables you can do 4x+3x because they have the same variables all you do is add the coefficients and keep the variable so you would get 7x
These "variables" are called independent variables or constant variables meaning that they are capable of being changed by the experimenter but are intentionally held the same through each individual experiment.
No they are not the same. A constant variable keeps going at a constant rate.
variables. you need to find variables in Algebra cause that's what its all about. just keep doing problems over and over until you understand. it probably doesnt come easy for most people.
Variables work by telling you what you need to change, what to observe, and what to keep the same in a experiment.
If you were doing an experiment to determine the effects of x ray on seed germination what variables woild you need to keep the same for all test groups?
The control variables.
A scientist would need to identify variables so you could know what to change and what to keep the same. A scientist would need to control variables so you can try to see exactly which factors are affecting the dependent variable (the thing you're measuring). Hope this helped! Because I have the exact same question on my homework!
So no other variables influence your results.
well, if you want to add apples to bananas you can't do that it's the same with variables, the coefficients can be different but to add and subtract the variables have to be the same for ex: you can't do 4x+3y because they have different variables you can do 4x+3x because they have the same variables all you do is add the coefficients and keep the variable so you would get 7x
It means that except for the independent variable (the only factor that you change) you remain the other variables constant. To keep the control variables the same. Then this is a controlled experiment (fair test). Hope this helps :)
In my opinion it is rarely a good idea to use global variables, unless you need to refer to them across modules, or their values need to be keep for a long period of program execution. Local variables should always be used when their lifetime is short, usually only in the module they are declared in. Global variables lifetime will be for the length of the program execution.
No. For purposes of combining "like terms", you need terms that have exactly the same variables, with the same exponents (if there are any).
independent variable
like terms
A variable means that something that you can change, measure, or keep the same. Example: Responding variable: The variable you can measure. Controlled variable: The variable you keep the same. Manipulated variable: The variable that you change.