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Q: Is adding the same number to each side of an equation produce an equivalent expression?
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Does everyone use algebra?

YES!! You use algebra in your everyday lives. Adding is considered an equation. An equation is a problem with an equal sign. An expression has no answer (an equal sign).

How can you solve an equation to get an equivalent equation?

In general, if you apply the same operation to both sides of an equation, you get an equivalent equation - at least if you do simple things like adding, subtracting, multiplying by a non-zero number, and dividing by some number.

Can someone Simplify the expression 2x - 8 - -4x plus 3?

Assuming that your equation is:_2X - 8 = -4X +3, adding 8 to both sides gives,2X = -4X + 3 +8, gives2X = -4X +11, then adding 4X to both sides,6X = 11 which gives X = 11/6 = 1.83333.your original equation was NOT an equation - that is an expression where two things were equal to each other.

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Why is it important to simplify radical expressions before adding or subtracting? How is adding radical expressions similar to adding polynomial expressions? How is it different? Provide a radical expression for your classmates to simplify..

How do you find the value of x when there is no equal sign in the equation?

You cannot explicitly find the value of x without an equal sign, as an equation without an equals sign is an algebraic expression. However, we can turn your expression into an equation by adding in an equals sign, but setting the value to a variable. For example, 2x+5=y, or 5x2-4x=y. You can solve for x like that. The phrase "... there is no equal sign in the equation ..." is a meaningless description. Without an 'equal' sign, there is no equation.

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What are the rules in transposition of terms in equation?

A term may be moved from one side of an equation to the other if the sign of the term in changed from plus to minus or vice versa after the move. Note that this follows from the more basic rule that an equation is not changed by adding the same term to each side. Transposing a term and changing its sign is equivalent to adding the positive/negative counterpart of the term to be transposed to each side of the equation.

Does adding the same nonzero number to the numerator and denominator of a fraction produce an equivalent fraction?

No because the numerator and the denominator must be multiplied or divided by the same number for a given equivalent fraction

Can a algebraic expression have more than one operation?

Yes. In general, you can combine expressions into more complicated expressions. For example, adding an expression to another expression will, again, yield an expression.

How do you balance Ba S8 yields BaS?

To balance the chemical equation for the reaction between Ba and S to produce BaS, you need to ensure that the number of atoms of each element is the same on both sides of the equation. You can balance the equation by adding coefficients in front of the Ba and BaS molecules. In this case, the balanced equation is: 8Ba + S8 -> 8BaS.

What is an algebraic expression with the variable x that has a value of 3 when evaluated?

A solution for x in an algebraic expression where the result is 3 might be for example, 4 - x = 1. You can solve by adding "x" to each side of the equation (4 = 1 + x) then subtracting 1 from both sides (3 = x, or x=3).

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