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Q: Is all information on a graph accurate?
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Is All information on a line graph is as precise as the information in the data table?

the answer is no some times the information on the line graph is not as accurate as the info on the data table.

How can you avoid being mislead by a graph?

Incomplete information: Always make sure the graph contains 'all' the information that demonstrates the circumstance that you are attempting to display. Incorrect information: Always ensure that the information that you gatherered is accurate.

Information on a graph between plotted points may not be accurate?

If it is plotted correctly, there is no reason for it to be anything but accurate.

Is all encyclopedia information accurate?

Information contained in an encyclopedia need not be accurate.

Is a graph an accurate way to represent data and when can you use it?

If you do it correctly, a graph can be a very accurate means of representing data, and you are free to use graphs for any kind of information that you wish to depict in a visual form. It is very versatile tool.

This information is not accurate at all?

aquaticcommunity and wikipedia.

Information collected by counting can best display on a?

A bar graph is information that is collected by counting can be displayed on this graph. A pie graph is a graph that shows information as parts of a circle

Information collected by counting can best be displayed on a?

A bar graph is information that is collected by counting can be displayed on this graph. A pie graph is a graph that shows information as parts of a circle

What is better usage a circle graph or a bar graph for displaying scores?

A bar graph, it shows a more accurate score.

What information does a line graph represent?

This depends upon the graph; you can graph any kind of information that you like.

What information is presented in a climate graph?

The information that are in a climate graph are temperature and rainfall.

Is a graph representing a collection of information data results or both?

All of the above!