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neither, an independent variable is a variable not being changed in the process of a science experiment. A variable in math cannot be described, only purpose of a variable is to take place of a number that you are trying to figure out in some equations. Others are equations with no solution.

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Q: Is an independent variable defined to be a variable that is to be predicted or estimated?
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Is the set of the independent variable of the function a domain?

No, because a function can also be defined between two interdependent variables so that there is no independent variable.

What is the definitionof slope?

Slope is defined as the change in y (the dependent variable) over the change in x (the independent variable).

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function is the relationship between independent variable & dependent variable i.e. F:R-R

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A factor in statistics can be defined as a variable which will affect the results of an experiment. This is mainly an aspect which is independent.

What is the science definition of independent vaiable?

The independent variable is also known as the experimental variable. It is the one variable that is manipulated or allowed to vary. All other variables are kept constant. For example, if you want to determine the relationship between mass and acceleration, you would vary the mass and it would be the independent variable. You would then measure the acceleration that occurs with different masses, which would be the dependent variable.

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That depends a lot on what you choose to include in "non-polynomial" - it can be just about anything. If you are referring to functions, what they have in common is anything that defines a function - mainly, the fact that for every value of an independent variable, a unique value is defined for the independent variable.

What variable is unchanging?

In an experiment, your control variable will not be caused to vary by the experiment. Think of 'cause and effect'. The independent variable is the cause, the result is the effect, and the dependent variable is the one that you leave to be changed by the experiment.

What is the range of the data set 579 363 512 429 167?

The range, in one sense, is defined as the difference between the highest and lowest numbers, which in this instance is from 167 to 579. In function theory, the data set itself could be the range, if these are the only values of the independent variable for which the dependent variable is defined.

What is the name for values of an independent variable for a function that make its derivative equal to 0 or not defined but are not within the domain of the original function?

That sounds a lot like a critical point to me.

Degrees of freedom at differential mechanism?

degree of freedom is defined as the number of independent variable which have relative motion each other, its becomes equal to ==3(l-1)-2i-h

What the definition of Variable?

a variable can be defined as a quantity in an equation which explains the behaviour of the given function