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Q: Is anecdotal evidence useful for statistical inference?
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What are the useful and harmful effects of a mushroom?

There are no known negative effects of magic mushrooms or psilocybe cubensis reported in any scientific journal. There is anecdotal evidence that magic mushrooms along with many other species can drastically improve physical health and reduce ailments.

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Statistical Functions

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A pie chart is never, ever, appropriate for statistical tests. It can be a useful way of illustrating results but it has no usefulness in testing.

Why is the difference of an inference and an observation useful in science?

they both help you find out your quote and they both help you in creating like in a movie or cartoon.

How can Inference be made useful in one's daily experiences?

Without inference we would be rather dumb. Inference governs our intuition and allows us to interpret everything around us. If we couldn't infer anything in conversation for example we would have no idea how someone was feeling unless they directly said to us 'I am feeling this way'. In fact, without inference of meaning from tone etc. it would be impossible for any of us to learn any language if we didn't already have a mother tongue.

What statement expresses a characteristic of MCDs?

A minimum covariance determinant (MCD) is a statistical technique that is useful for identifying outliers and getting a measure of their impact.

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Because they are evidence of evolution!

Which will be most useful to a reader in drawing conclusion about a story?

Finding evidence that is in the story

What qualities make evidence useful?

Useful evidence is relevant, reliable, and verifiable. It should be sourced from credible and reputable sources, be clear and easily understandable, and support the argument or claim being made effectively.

How do you calculate spread?

There are multiple quantitative methods for calculating and graphically illustrating statistical spreads. Among the most useful are calculating and graphic standard deviations.

Are genetically modified foods useful?

yes,because food are one type of thing that we ea every day it makes our body healthy and because of food we have disadvantages to us and advantages.