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Q: Is as many mean less or more?
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Less likely means that it has more of a chance not to happen.

What other words mean minus?

Subtract; Less. You can also check out a thesaurus which will give you a few more. There are many available online.

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I mean have More, Less,or the Same Intertia

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More than or equal to.

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no, it means "more or less"

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He has been made more or less sensitive.

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more then three and less then twelve

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nothing more and nothing less

On an ipod touch does the more apps you have mean you can store less songs?

Yes, the more apps you have on an iPod Touch, the less room you have to store songs.

Can you teach your mean dog to do tricks?

Yes and the more you teach and reward with treats and love him/her the less mean he/she will be.