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no youre thinking of molar mass and atomic weight although you use avogadro's number to find molar mass

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Q: Is avogadro's number the same as molar mass?
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How does the mass of a nucleus differ from the mass of an electron?

There is no simple answer.The mass of a nucleus depends on the number of neutrons and protons in the nucleus. The number of protons in the nucleus depends on the element. Moreover, the number of neutrons can vary between isotopes of the same element.

How do you convert nanograms to kilograms?

If you have some mass in nanograms, divide the number by 1,000,000,000,000 (1 trillion) to get the same mass in kilograms. 1 kilogram = 1 trillion nanograms

What is the atomic mass the weighted average of?

It's the averaged weight of all of the known isotopes of an element. Elements have versions of itself that have the same number of protons and electrons, but different number of neutrons. Since protons and neutrons have a mass of 1 amu (atomic mass unit), you change the neutron number, you change the mass . . . even though the element is still the same. Ex: Carbon 14 and Carbon 12 are isotopes of carbon. Both carbon elements, but they each have a different number of neutrons (8 vs 6), so they have different masses.

Atomic mass is equivalent to the number of?

The atomic mass is the mass of an atom of that element in AMUs. (Atomic Mass Units)The atomic number, however, is equivalent to the number of protons in an atom of that element.The mass number of an atom is the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom. This is therefore always a whole number. The relative atomic mass of an element is the weighted average of the masses of the isotopes relative to 1/12 of the mass of a carbon-12 atom.It is a weighted average as it takes into account the relative abundances of the different isotopes (atoms of the same element but with different numbers of neutrons) of an element. This number is found in the periodic table.For example chlorine has two isotopes, 35Cl and 37Cl, in the approximate ratio of 3 atoms of 35Cl to 1 atom of 37Cl.The number of protons and neutrons in a 35Cl atom must add up to 35, the mass number. The relative atomic mass of chlorine takes into account both isotopes and is therefore 35.5.

Are the same tools used to measure weight and mass?

mass is measured with a balance comparing an unknown mass with an object of known mass. weight is not measeured with the same tools as mass.

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What does the molar mass of C7H16 and the molar mass of CaCO3 have the same number of?

Both C7H16 and CaCO3 have a molar mass of approximately 116 grams per mole.

Is atomic mass and molar mass similar and mass number of particles the same?

Atomic mass and molar mass are similar concepts but not the same. Atomic mass refers to the average mass of an atom of an element, while molar mass is the mass of one mole of a substance. The mass number of particles can be the same in certain cases, such as isotopes of the same element which have the same number of protons and different numbers of neutrons.

What is the mass of one atom of calcium?

You can work this out by dividing the molecular mass of calcium, 40, by Avogadros number, 6.02214129(27)×1023 mol−1 This will give you the answer as the molecular mass of an element is the combined weight of the number of atoms that make up one mole, which is the same as Avogadros number.

What mass of gold contains the same number of atoms as 9.00g of Aluminum?

The molar mass of gold is 197g/mol and the molar mass of aluminum is 27g/mol. Therefore, the ratio of the molar masses is 197/27=7.296. To find the mass of gold containing the same number of atoms as 9.00g of aluminum, you would take 9.00g * 7.296 = 65.664g of gold.

Is molar mass and formula mass the same?

yes it is

The molar mass of an element is equal to?

The molar mass of an element is equal to the atomic mass of that element expressed in grams per mole. It represents the mass of one mole of atoms of that element.

What do the molar masses of any two elements contain the same number of what?

The molar masses of any two elements contain the same number of moles.

Are molar mass and molecular mass the same?

no, but sometimes they are equal.Added:Molecular mass differs from more common measurements of the mass of chemicals, such as molar mass, by taking into account the isotopic composition of a molecule rather than the average isotopic distribution of many molecules.As a result, molecular mass is a more precise number than molar mass.However it is more accurate to use molar mass on bulk samples. This means that molar mass is appropriate most of the time except when dealing with single molecules.

What is the mass of 2.6 g of magnesium and 1.6 g of oxygen?

The molar mass of magnesium is 24.31 g/mol, while the molar mass of oxygen is 16 g/mol. To find the mass of 2.6 g of magnesium, you can divide 2.6 g by the molar mass of magnesium (24.31 g/mol) and multiply by Avogadro's number to find the number of moles. Similarly, you can do the same calculation for 1.6 g of oxygen and then sum up the molar masses to find the total mass.

What volume of carbon dioxide contains the same number of molecules as 20ml of oxygen at the same conditions?

Since carbon dioxide (CO2) has a molar mass of 44 g/mol and molecular oxygen (O2) has a molar mass of 32 g/mol, the molar ratio is 44:32. Therefore, you would need less volume of CO2 to contain the same number of molecules as 20 ml of O2 at the same conditions. The exact volume can be calculated using the ideal gas law equation PV = nRT.

What mass of oxygen contain same number of molecule as 42g of nitrogen?

Both nitrogen and oxygen exist at standard temperature and pressure as diatomic molecules. Therefore, the relative masses of equal numbers of molecules of the substance will the same as the ratios of their atomic masses, which are 15.9994 for oxygen and 14.0067 for nitrogen. The mass of oxygen that contains the same number of molecules as 42 g of nitrogen is 42(15.9994/14.0067) or 48 g, to the justified number of significant digits.

The molar mass of a gas can be determined from?

for Apex: can be found easily from the periodic table is the mass of a mole of the gas