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Q: Is black a positive or negative?
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What is the positive of black?

Red is positive and black is negative.

On a battery charger which is negative red or black?

Black is negative - Red is positive +

Is the black wire with white stipes on a battery charger a positive or negative?

Black = Negative Black + White = Positive Tried and tested.

Is negative black on a battery?

Yes, black represents negative and red represents positive.

What is the positive and negative sides of a battery?

The red cable is the positive and the black cable is the negative. The positive post is slightly larger.

Which wire is positive or negative in hot power lithium polymer battery?

Red is positive, Black is the negative

How do you know positive and negative terminals?

Look for a + by the positive terminal and a - by the negative terminal, or red for positive, black for negative. Some batteries have the positive terminal protruding and the negative terminal flat. Or you can get a meter that will tell you which is which,

What color battery cable is negative?

Black is negative and Red is positive.

What colour is positive and neg in a car?

Normally Positive (+) is RED and Negative (-) is Black.

What color is negative or positive on alligator clips?

positive is red negitive is black

Is the black wore positive or negative?

It's really no way of reliably knowing that, but if you have to guess black is usually negative.

What turns black in light negative?

A photograph turns black in light negative. In a photographic negative, the areas that receive more light appear black when the negative is converted to a positive image.