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They are not the same, but related. From Wikipedia (article "gas constant"): " [The gas constant] is equivalent to the Boltzmann constant, but expressed in units of energy (i.e. the pressure-volume product) per temperature increment per mole (rather than energy per temperature increment per particle)".

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Q: Is boltzman constant same as gas constant?
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What is Boltzman's constant?

The Boltzman's constant is the physical constant relating to temperature to energy.

What is the NAME of the constant k in boyle's law where PV equals k?

Boltzman constant

What is heliums gas constant?

The gas constant is the same for all gases: R = 8,314 462 1(75) J/mol.K

What is the kinetic energy theory for plasma?

The average translational kinetic energy of particles in a plasma is 3kT/2, i.e. the equation for kinetic energy of plasma particles is the same as any other form of matter. In this respect, a plasma is not significantly different from a gas. The average kinetic energy is directly proportional to the temperature. In a real sense, kinetic energy at the molecular level and temperature at the macro level are the same thing; quantities like the universal gas constant (R) and Boltzman's constant (k) can be viewed as simply unit conversion factors between degrees and joules.

What constant is equal to the ratio ofthe gas constant to the avogadro constant?

The gas constant (R) makes both sides of the ideal gas equation (PV=nRT) equal. It is therefore called the proportionality constant in the ideal gas equation. The value of R is 8.314 J/mol˚K. If you divide the ideal gas constant by Avogadro's number you get R/NA=(8.314 J mol-1 K-1)/(6.022x1023 #of atoms mol-1)=1.38x10-23 J/(atoms x K) since the mol-1 terms cancel out. This value is the Boltzman constant (kb) usually expressed in units of J/K (energy/temperature) and it gives the average energy of a single atom or molecule at an absolute temperature T. Just multiply kb by T and you get energy in Joules.

What are different NAME of constant r?

Some common names for the gas constant, ( R ), include ideal gas constant, universal gas constant, and molar gas constant.

What happens to pressure when gas expands?

If the gas is contained at a constant volume, the pressure increases. If the gas is not contained, the pressure remains the same or drops.

Does the gas constant R vary with temperature?

No, the gas constant, or any constant, is constant meaning it doesn't change.

What is the temperature if the gas pressure is constant?

At isobaric (pressure) expansion (volume increase) the temperature will increase because V is proportional to T for the same amount of gas (closed container) at constant pressure.

Why Do Gasses Have Two Specific Heats?

One is for constant pressure, the other is for constant volume. These are not the same; for example, if the pressure is maintained constant, and the gas is heated, the volume changes.

What happens to a gas temperature at a given pressure?

If the pressure on a gas is kept constant and the temperature is increased, then the volume of the gas will increase as well. This is known as Charles's Law, which states that as long as the pressure remains constant, the volume of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature.

Choose the law that matches this definition As the temperature on a gas increases the volume of the gas must also increase to maintain constant pressure?

This law is Boyle's Law, which states that the pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume at constant temperature. In the scenario described, as the temperature increases, the volume of the gas must also increase to keep the pressure constant.