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Q: Is broca's area the name of the frontal eye field area?
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another name for a frontal section?

The name of an area of grassland vegetation?

a field

Where did track and field get its name?

track and field got its name because when you run you on a track. the field part is because you compete in the other competions on a field a grassy area.

What is another name for your forehead?

frontal bone.

What is the name of a cranial flat bone?

Frontal bone

What is another name for the frontal lobe?

the cerebrum As far as im awarethere is no other name for it. The cerebrum however is deffinetly not it, this term refers to all the lobes of the brain (frontal, occipital, parietal and temporal)

What is the name of the author of the book Angus thongs and full frontal snogging?

The author of Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal snogging is called Louise Rennison. :D

What is the name for the speech center of the brain?

The speech center of the brain is called Broca's area. It is located in the frontal lobe of the dominant hemisphere (usually the left hemisphere for right-handed individuals) and is involved in speech production and language processing.

What are the Body parts in front of the frontal plane are called?

Coronal plane other term of this plane is 1.) frontal plane 2.) anterior-posterior plance 3.) x-y plane

What another name for the frontal plane?

Coronal plane other term of this plane is 1.) frontal plane 2.) anterior-posterior plance 3.) x-y plane

What part of the brain is damaged if someone cannot name something in their left visual field?

Broca's or Wernicke's area.

How did the village dukinfield get its name?

The name Dukinfield is believed to originate from the Old English words "Ducking" and "Field", meaning a field where ducks are found. This suggests that the area was once associated with duck hunting or a place where ducks were abundant.