Numerator on top; denominator on the bottom.
the top adds what the bottom adds. the top subtracts what the bottom subtracts. the top divides what the bottom divides. the top multiplies what the bottom multiplies.
Top: numerator. Bottom: denominator.
Aha! A sparkler burns top to bottom only because you light the top. If you lit the bottom, it would burn bottom to top. If you lit the middle, it would burn both directions from the middle.
Searing meat from the top.
You would top-broil in a stoves broiling drawer if it has a flame or electric heating unit above it. You can also use an electric toaster/oven/broiler with a broil setting for an overhead heating element.
The atomic mass is typically listed at the bottom of an element's symbol on the periodic table. It is the weighted average mass of an element's isotopes relative to the atomic mass unit.
The broiling part of an oven is called the element, and it is located at the top of the oven. Be sure to leave the oven door open when using the broiler and put the oven rack up very close to the burner. The meat should be about 2 in from the heat source. DO NOT LEAVE the oven while broiling.
As we move from top to bottom, number of shells increases and nuclear attraction decreases. Hence nucleus is not able to attract the element at bottom.
groups run top to bottom periods run left to right
The Hierarchy SmartArt graphic shows relative relationships with the largest element typically at the top or bottom, demonstrating a clear chain of command or levels within a structure.
the differnence between broiling and grilling is broiling is done in an oven and the heat is veryintense and direct and only cooks the top part of the food. when you grill you are using a falme from a bottom heat source and it will cook food a little more evenly. thanks for asking
siva vats
If the heating element was at the top and the kettle was not full, then you would not be able to heat water because the element would not be in the water. Thus the only place for the element is at the bottom. However, hot water is also less heavy than cold water, this means that heated water rises to the top and having the element at the bottom means that the water being heated is circulated and this is more efficient.
The atomic number of the element is the subscript (bottom number) and the mass number is the superscript (top number); and both those numbers are written to the left of the element symbol.