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Q: Is certainty the standard of knowledge?
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Why certainty is important?

If we are certain of what we know then we become solid and sure on the actions that we do....a knowledge that is founded and based on certainty is not a thithered knowledge. Hence a knowledge that is bot back up with certainty makes man's decison ad action unstable and not even credible

Is certainty possible?

Certainty is possible only to a certain extent according to most philosophers. This is a state where there is knowledge that has error in and leaves no doubt in the mind.

What is complete certainty?

A sure knowledge that something is. certainty means that something is without an error or has complete knowledge.A table and four chairs my be complete to the satisfaction of the household, but with the addition of two more chairs ones opinion changes.Most people mean they feel certain or confident when they say they are certain (they cannot truly be certain unless they be all knowing) . They feel like they are error proof or that they have complete knowledge about something. This however is just a feeling of certainty not true certainty.complete certainty can only exist as a feeling of complete certainty. Not a true knowledge of everything or knowing for sure that you are free of error. This is what most people mean when they say complete certainty. Is that they feel confident

What is certainties?

A sure knowledge that something is. certainty means that something is without an error or has complete knowledge.A table and four chairs my be complete to the satisfaction of the household, but with the addition of two more chairs ones opinion changes.Most people mean they feel certain or confident when they say they are certain (they cannot truly be certain unless they be all knowing) . They feel like they are error proof or that they have complete knowledge about something. This however is just a feeling of certainty not true certainty.complete certainty can only exist as a feeling of complete certainty. Not a true knowledge of everything or knowing for sure that you are free of error. This is what most people mean when they say complete certainty. Is that they feel confident

What question did Descartes ask?

Descartes famously asked, "What can I know with certainty?" as he sought a foundation for knowledge that could not be doubted.

What are Descartes basic epistemological questions?

Descartes' basic epistemological questions center around doubts about the certainty of knowledge, what can be known with absolute certainty, and how knowledge can be justified. He sought a foundation of knowledge that could withstand skeptical challenges and ultimately arrived at his famous statement "Cogito, ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am) as a starting point for building a secure epistemological framework.

What is the components of philosophy is concerned with nature of knowledge?

Epistemology is the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature of knowledge. It examines the nature of knowledge, the justification of beliefs, and the limits of understanding. Epistemology explores questions about what knowledge is, how it is acquired, and whether or not it is possible to have certainty or justification for our beliefs.

What is an acataleptic?

An acataleptic is a person who believes that human knowledge never amounts to certainty, only to probability - a philosophy of ancient Sceptic philosophers.

What philosophy believes true knowledge is not possible?

Skepticism is a philosophical belief that true knowledge is not possible. Skeptics doubt the possibility of attaining certainty in knowledge due to limitations in perception and interpretation. They argue that we cannot be certain of the accuracy and reliability of our beliefs and judgments.

How is an opinion defined?

An opinion is an idea or belief that is not based on absolute certainty, positive knowledge, or empirical evidence but on the mind of a person toward the probability of it as being true.

What are the example of adverb certainty?

adverbs of certainty

What part of speech is certainty?

Certainty is a noun.