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Q: Is combined vectors that go only forward or backward are one dimensional true or false?
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Combined Vectors that go only forward or backward are one demensional?


How are vectors combined?

Vectors are combined by adding or subtracting their corresponding components. For two-dimensional vectors, you add/subtract the x-components together and the y-components together to get the resulting vector. For three-dimensional vectors, you perform the same process with the addition of the z-components.

What are combined vectors that go in one direction?


When was Vectors in three-dimensional space created?

Vectors in three-dimensional space was created in 1978.

Can velocity vectors be combined with force vectors?


What is non-coplaner vectors?

They are a pair of vectors which are not parallel but whose lines of action cannot meet.

WHAT could be possible vector directions?

southnorth of eastwestnorthApex answer is:B. 35 degrees insideC. Outside 45 degrees

Can three vectors of different magnitude be combined to give a zero resultant and can three vectors?


What is the term for vectors that lie in a straight line?


What is the term given to vectors that dont lie in a straight line but instead point in different directions?

The term for vectors pointing in different directions is called linearly independent vectors. These vectors do not lie on the same line or plane, and they provide unique information to describe a space.

Can two vectors having different magnitudes be combined to give a zero resultant can three vectors?

Yes, two vectors of different magnitudes can be combined to give a zero resultant if they are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction. For three vectors to give a zero resultant, they must form a closed triangle or meet at a common point where the sum of the vectors equals zero.

Do one dimensional forces seem to behave like one dimensional vectors?

Because both are characterised by their magnitude AND their direction.