the spatial figures are cone,cube,cylender,sphere,pyramid.........
is a cone a two demensional figure
the different spatial figures are: cone,prism,cylinder,rectangular prism,pyramid,cube,sphere
A solid figure.
cone that is my answer
the plane figure has 2 dimension and spatial figure has 3 dimension
the spatial figures are cone,cube,cylender,sphere,pyramid.........
is a cone a two demensional figure
Spatial figure is a three dimensional figure. It is made up of plane figure whose all sides are joined together to form a close figure
the different spatial figures are: cone,prism,cylinder,rectangular prism,pyramid,cube,sphere
The cone IS a 3d figure.
A solid figure.
cone that is my answer
A parabola is the figure formed by the intersection of a circular cone and a plane that lies parallel to the edge of the cone. (the cone does not have to be a right [90°] circular cone).
There are infinitely many spatial figures. I is not possible to draw or describe them.
A cone?
A circle.