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A discrete variable might take on values in sets like these:

  • 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ... (an infinitely large set)
  • ..., -1001, -1000, ..., -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ... (an infinitely large set)
  • 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135 (a finite set)

'Discrete' here really means 'separate'.

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Q: Is data discrete if it can take on any value?
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What is the difference between discrete data and continuous data?

Discrete variables have numbers that can be counted. Continuous data is measurable. Discrete data are data which can only take on a finite or countable number of values within a given range. Continuous data are data which can take on any value. It is measured rather than counted. The mass of a given sample of iron is continuous; the number of marbles in a bag is discrete.

Is data continuous if it can take on any value?


What is the difference between continuous sampling and discrete sampling?

Continuous data is data that can theoretically be any amount at all. There may be a maximum and minimum value, but all numbers in between are possible. For instance, the amount of time it takes to complete a task, might be 13.4864 seconds. This makes the time continuous data. Discrete is data that can only be set amounts. For instance, how much money someone has, or how many times they've been to the cinema. You cannot have 13.4864 cents, or have visited the cinema 7.33 times. This is a discrete value.

Is age continuous data?

Age is typically considered to be continuous data. It can be measured as a precise number, such as 25.5 years, and can take on any value within a given range. However, in certain contexts, age may be treated as discrete data if it is categorized into distinct groups or intervals (e.g., 0-10, 11-20, 21-30 years).

What are the differences between discrete and continuous distribution?

discrete distribution is the distribution that can use the value of a whole number only while continuous distribution is the distribution that can assume any value between two numbers.

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What graph is used to discrete data?

Any kind of graph can be used for discrete data.

What is the difference between discrete data and continuous data?

Discrete variables have numbers that can be counted. Continuous data is measurable. Discrete data are data which can only take on a finite or countable number of values within a given range. Continuous data are data which can take on any value. It is measured rather than counted. The mass of a given sample of iron is continuous; the number of marbles in a bag is discrete.

What does discrete data mean in maths?

Discrete - Each recorded data has a particular whole value e.g. Number of pencils in pencil cases, Number of correct answers in a test Continuous - The recorded data can have any value in a given range e.g. Height of students, Time taken to run 100m

What is the difference between a discrete and a continuous distribution?

A simple continuous distribution can take any value between two other values whereas a discrete distribution cannot.

What is discrte data in maths?

In maths there is discrete data and continuous data. Continuous data can be measured to any degree of accuracy, e.g. I am 1.8716749873651 metres tall. Discrete data cannot...e.g. I have 2 sisters. Discrete data cannot have halves or decimals, whole numbers only.

Is data continuous if it can take on any value?


What is the difference between continuous sampling and discrete sampling?

Continuous data is data that can theoretically be any amount at all. There may be a maximum and minimum value, but all numbers in between are possible. For instance, the amount of time it takes to complete a task, might be 13.4864 seconds. This makes the time continuous data. Discrete is data that can only be set amounts. For instance, how much money someone has, or how many times they've been to the cinema. You cannot have 13.4864 cents, or have visited the cinema 7.33 times. This is a discrete value.

Is age continuous data?

Age is typically considered to be continuous data. It can be measured as a precise number, such as 25.5 years, and can take on any value within a given range. However, in certain contexts, age may be treated as discrete data if it is categorized into distinct groups or intervals (e.g., 0-10, 11-20, 21-30 years).

What is meant by discrete random variable?

A discrete random variable is a variable that can only take some selected values. The values that it can take may be infinite in number (eg the counting numbers), but unlike a continuous random variable, it cannot take any value in between valid results.

Is nationality a discrete or continuous variable?

Neither, since it is "qualitative data", not "quantitative". Only quantitative data can be discrete or continuous. (Unless your assigning a numerical "value" to each nationality type, in which case it would be quantitative discrete). Answer 2: If considering the percentage, eg 100% Irish, 50% Irish, etc., then it is theoretically a continuous variable, assuming an infinite number of generations. However, in terms of currently existing and past living people, for any nationality, it is a discrete variable.

What are two forms of electrical signals?

Two forms of electrical signals are analog signals, which vary continuously over time, and digital signals, which represent data as discrete values. Analog signals can take on any value within a range, while digital signals have specific voltage levels to represent binary data.

What does discrete mean in algebra?

In basic algebra a discrete variable is one that can only take on specific set of values. For example, if we were to say that X can only take on a whole value between 1 and 10, then X would be a discrete variable. On the other hand, a continuous variable is one that can take on an unlimited number of values. For example, if we were to say X can take on ANY value between 1 and 10, then X is called a continious variable. The important thing to note is that the range of a variable (the min and max values it can take) is different than whether it is discrete or continuous. Discrete only implies a fixed (and known) set of values is possible for a variable