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Q: Is delphinidae more specific than cetacea?
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Is truncatus more specific than delphinidae?

yes it is

Which taxon is more specific truncatus or delphinidae?

"Truncatus" is more specific than "Delphinidae." "Truncatus" refers to a specific species within the family Delphinidae, which is a broader taxonomic group that includes multiple species of dolphins.

Which is more specific Cetacea or chordata?

Chordata is more specific than Cetacea. Chordata is a phylum that includes animals with a notochord, while Cetacea is an order within the class Mammalia that includes whales, dolphins, and porpoises.

Are porpoises more closely related to dolphins or whales?

Porpoises are more closely related to dolphins than whales. Both porpoises and dolphins are part of the family Delphinidae, while whales are a separate family within the order Cetacea.

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Mammalia is the class; Tursiops is the genus; so, Tursiops.

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A molecule.

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Not necessarily. A specific liberal may be more compassionate than a specific conservative, but the reverse can also be true.

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The most specific is genus

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its more data

Is specific data better than general data?

Specific data gives you more information and is more reliable.

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Which what? Please be more specific.

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The specific heat of water is greater than the specific heat of air.