

Is every shape in real life 3-D?

Updated: 12/17/2022
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Q: Is every shape in real life 3-D?
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not a 3D shape or a Polygon. get some common sence and answer a real question 12512512asfasf not a 3D shape or a Polygon. get some common sence and answer a real question 12512512asfasf not a 3D shape or a Polygon. get some common sence and answer a real question 12512512asfasf

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that depends whether it is a drawing or real life egg. If it were a drawing then it would be 2D, but if you are talking about a real life egg then yes it is 3D

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It depends on the 3d shape.

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hello you should get a life

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a pyramid is a 3D shape :)

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