Yes. If two fractions have the same numeratorthen the one with the smaller denominator is the greater fraction.
5/9 = .555 7/8 = .875 Thereby, five ninths is less than seven eighths.
[Five sevenths] is 0.0893 greater than [five eighths]. (rounded)
five eighths = 5/8 = 0.625 = 62.5% Hence five eighths < (less than) 65%
5/9 = .555 7/8 = .875 Thereby, five ninths is less than seven eighths.
no,eight ninths is greater
No, it's not.
[Five sevenths] is 0.0893 greater than [five eighths]. (rounded)
No, four ninths is larger than three eighths. 3 divided by 8 equals 0.375 while four divided by 9 equals 0.4444444444. 0.444444 > 0.375
Three ninths is one third, and eighths are bigger than ninths. Three eighths is bigger than three ninths. Therefore three eighths is bigger than one third.
Yes it is. Just like 7 is greater than 5.
Five eighths.
five eighths = 5/8 = 0.625 = 62.5% Hence five eighths < (less than) 65%