No, four sevenths is not a benchmark fraction beacause benchmark fractions are used to estimate and they are easy to picture in your mind. 4 out of seven is not a very good estimate for something and it is not easy to picture in your head. Right?
no because only 1, 0, and a half are benchmark fractions other fractions fall between those numbers
benchmark fractions mean
What benchmark fraction is closest to each point in the letter E
yes 2/4 is because it is equivalent to 1/2 which is a benchmark fraction.
112 is an integer and so there is no sensible way to represent it as a fraction - whether benchmark or otherwise.
no because only 1, 0, and a half are benchmark fractions other fractions fall between those numbers
benchmark fractions mean
What benchmark fraction is closest to each point in the letter E
It depends what the benchmark is!
A benchmark fraction is the bar line in the middle of the fraction. :)
By Benchmark it means what is closer for example the benchmark of 24% is 25%.
yes 2/4 is because it is equivalent to 1/2 which is a benchmark fraction.
112 is an integer and so there is no sensible way to represent it as a fraction - whether benchmark or otherwise.
It has to be between these four fractions 1/2,1/3,2/3, and 3/4