The name of a fraction with a larger number on top is called an improper fraction.
improper fraction
When you have fractions with like denominators, the larger is the one with the larger numerator.
yes. if the numerator is larger than the denominator it is an IMPROPER fraction.
It is called "writing a fraction as an equivalent fraction with a larger denominator"!
The name of a fraction with a larger number on top is called an improper fraction.
When the fractions are converted to equivalent fractions with the same denominator the one with the larger numerator is the larger fraction.
A fraction can be larger than 1, for example, 4/2 is a fraction (which can be simplified to 2). Only a fraction that is larger than 1, multiplied by another number gives you a larger number.
an improper fraction
The quotient is larger than the original fraction.
the numerator
An improper fraction.
improper fraction
improper fraction
Proper fraction