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yes, because they are half of a # or a fourth or a third and ect.

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Q: Is fractions real numbers
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Related questions

When will a fraction not be a real number?

Fractions are real numbers.

What is the Difference between an integer and a real number?

Integer numbers are a subset of real numbers. Real numbers may contain fractions.

Is the densest of real numbers is the set of fractions?

No. Irrational numbers are denser.

Can irrational numbers be real numbers?

Yes but they can't be expressed as fractions

What are real numbers in modern algebra?

Real numbers include both positive and negative numbers, and also zero; also included are integers and fractions, including all types of fractions (rational, irrational, or transcendental). Only imaginary numbers are not real.

Are all integers real numbers?

Every integers are real numbers.more precisely, integers are the subset of R, the set of real numbers.They are whole numbers with no decimals or fractions

Why do some real number are rational number?

Rational numbers are numbers that can also be expressed as fractions whereas irrational numbers can't be expressed as fractions,

Is this ture that all irrational numbers are real numbers?

Ye it is true that all irrational numbers are real numbers that can't be expressed as fractions.

How are percents and fractions the same?

They are all real numbers. All fractions can be expressed as percentages but not all percentages can be represented as fractions.

Are all irrational numbers real number?

All irrational numbers are real, but not all real numbers are irrational.

Is a negative fraction a real number?

Yes. Real numbers include positive and negative numbers, integers and fractions, rational and irrational numbers.

Can coefficients be fractions?

Yes, coefficients can be fractions in algebraic expressions. Fractions may appear when coefficients are expressed in a ratio or when simplifying expressions that involve division.