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Q: Is gender inequality still present in the modern society?
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Examples of oppression in modern society include systemic racism and discrimination against minority groups, gender inequality and sexism, LGBTQ+ discrimination and denial of rights, economic and class-based marginalization, and religious persecution. These forms of oppression can be seen in various aspects of society, such as employment, education, criminal justice, and healthcare systems.

What are the problems of modern society?

Some of the problems of modern society include income inequality, environmental degradation, political polarization, and mental health issues. These issues require coordinated efforts from individuals, governments, and organizations to address effectively.

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Athenian culture like the Parthenon and the temples columns are what modern day art is comprised of. THey influenced the modern day art immensely

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One issue debated by modern day sociologists is the role of technology in shaping social interactions and relationships, particularly in terms of its impact on communication, privacy, and inequality in society.

What is the difference between Victorian society and modern day?

Victorian society was characterized by strict social norms, gender roles, and hierarchies, while modern society is generally more egalitarian, inclusive, and open-minded. Victorian society placed a high value on modesty, formality, and propriety, whereas modern society tends to be more relaxed, individualistic, and diverse in terms of values and behaviors.

What are social-conflict theorists looking for when they view modern society?

If inequalities exist as a result of social stratifcation.

What is scourge of modern day mean?

"Scourge of modern day" typically refers to a major problem or issue that is prevalent in contemporary society and has a widespread negative impact. It is often used to describe urgent challenges such as poverty, inequality, pollution, or addiction that have escalated in our current era.

What is the most important modern society today?

The most important modern society is the capitalist society.

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What class of words in modern English retains grammaticl gender?

Pronouns (he, she, it) in modern English retain grammatical gender. Other parts of speech, such as nouns and adjectives, do not typically have gender distinctions like in some other languages.

How do society make distinctions between girls and boys?

Society often makes distinctions between girls and boys based on gender norms and stereotypes. These distinctions can involve appearance, behavior, roles, and expectations, which may be influenced by cultural, historical, and social factors. It is important to recognize and challenge these distinctions to promote gender equality and inclusivity.