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Q: Is ice jockey dangerous What is it negative and positive points?
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Is it possible to have negative decimal points?

Decimal points aren't positive or negative. Decimals can be either.

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How do you find the quadrant number of a point?

If the points have both positive y-values and x-values it is quadrant 1 If the points have a negative x-value and a positive y-value it is quadrant 2 If the points have both negative y-values and x-values it is quadrant 3 If the points have a positive x-values and a negative y-value it is quadrant 4

What is meant by positive or negative feedback in workplaces?

positive feedback is when you are given praise and told of the good points of both yourself your ability and how well you are doing negative feedback is basically the oposite you get informed of the bsd points or points that you need to improve on

How do you reflect over x axis if the points are negative?

same as if they were positive

Priority scheduling positive and negative points?

disadvantages of priority scheduling

What quadrant do points lie if their abscissa is positive and ordinate is negative?

The fourth quadrant

What are some examples of negative numbers in daily life?

There are lots of situations in the real world in which there are opposites, which can conveniently be expressed with positive/negative numbers. Here are some examples:Having money (positive), having a debt (negative)Getting a profit (positive) or a loss (negative) with a business ventureAn altitude above (positive) or below (negative) sea levelGaining points or losing points in a gameMoving in one direction or in the opposite direction. In this case, it is quite arbitrary which direction is chosen as positive.

Why do the points of a geometric sequence lie on an exponential curve only when the common ratio is positive?

If the common ratio is negative then the points are alternately positive and negative. While their absolute values will lie on an exponential curve, an oscillating sequence will not lie on such a curve,

How points do you need on your leaving cert to be a jockey?

You do not need to do the leaving cert to train to be a jockey. So zero.

Electric field is positive or negative?

The electric field is a vector quantity that can have both positive and negative values. The sign indicates the direction of the force that a positive test charge would experience if placed in the field: positive for a repulsive force and negative for an attractive force.

What is your positive negative points?

i am very careful i am very emotional i am very loving i am very caring