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Not necessarily. A single pair is not enough. For example

Output = (Input)2 is certainly not linear but input 0 will give output 0.

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8mo ago

No, it does not necessarily mean that the system is linear. A linear system will exhibit a constant scaling property, which means that if the input is multiplied by a constant, the output will also be multiplied by the same constant. It is possible for a system to have an output of zero for a zero input, but still be non-linear if it does not exhibit the scaling property.

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Function of input and output in payroll system?

payroll system with input

What is linear and non linear devices explain?

There are many examples of these. I would compare a linear device as a device giving a linear output as a result of the input. This can be an amplifier or simply the circuits that makes up the amplifier. A non-linear device could be a computer chip or a logic chip that is either on or off (only 2 stages) on both input and output. Some devices combine linear and non linear working modes. A typical OpAmp has got 2 inputs that can vary, where as the output is either On (close to input voltage of the circuit) or Off (close to input negative voltage or GND of the circuit) Other forms of linearities can be within a single transistor. It may have a linear voltage curve. This curve can also be non linear. This most often very dependent upon temperature.

What is the difference between input and output?

What is the difference between output and input?If you sing into a microphone you can hear the microphone's output.Sound coming out of the power amp to the speakers.That is the input of the loudspeaker.Do you see the difference?Your voice is the microphone's input. Its output is electrical impulses that are input to the amplifier. The amplified impulses are the output of the amplifier and input to the speaker. Sound waves are output of the speaker and input to your ears.

What is the difference between a function and linear equation?

A function is a relationship between a set of inputs and a set of outputs. The key requirement is that each allowable input relates to exactly one output value. Equations are often used to define a function. That is, the relationship is given by a rule that tells how to find the output from any given input. For example f(x)= 7x-2 says in words, given an input number, say x, multiply it by 7 and subtract 2, to get the associated output. 7x - 2 is called a linear expression because its highest power is one (and a function defined by a linear expression is called a linear function. ) A linear equation is an equation between two linear expressions. Example: 2x + 3 = 7x - 2.

What is function in output input tables?

It is the process which converts the input to output.

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There is a definite contrast between system input and system output. System input refers to raw data which is fed into the system while system output is processed data which is released by the system.

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How do you use a graph to find the output value of a linear function for a given input value?

You how to remember input and output is like a machine do the rest.

In a positive feedback system how does the output affect the input?

In a positive feedback system, the output enhances or amplifies the input that started the process, causing a self-reinforcing loop. This means that an increase in the output leads to an increase in the input, continuing to drive the system further in the same direction.

What is Linear system in electronics?

A linear electronic device is one where output is linearly proportional, in some way, to input. An example is an amplifier. A non-linear device is one where the input drives the circuit into some kind of saturation mode. An example is a switch, such as is used in TTL IC's.

What is the Difference between linear IC and digital IC?

Both linear ICs and nonlinear ICs has an output voltage which is dependent on the input voltage. However, the difference is that linear ICs produce an output voltage which increases or decreases at a "fixed rate" relative to the input voltage. Nonlinear ICs do not do this. A voltage regulator may be considered nonlinear because as you increase the input voltage the output will climb at the same rate (just like linear ICs), however, once the input voltage reaches a particular level point, the output no longer increases as you increase the input. This is at the point where regulation begins. The nonlinear IC no longer changes its output at a fixed rate relative to the input.

Function of input and output in payroll system?

payroll system with input