

Is indirect labor a product cost?

Updated: 10/27/2022
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13y ago

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Yes, it would accounted for under factory overhead.

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Q: Is indirect labor a product cost?
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Is indirect labor a variable cost?

If indirect labor change with the change of units of product then indirect labor is a variable cost. If change in the quantity of units has no impact on indirect labor cost then it is a fixed cost.

Is indirect labor cost a period cost?

Indirect labor is considered a period cost because it can't be traced by to the product. If a cost can be traced back to a product, then it is considered a product cost.

Is indirect labor is a part of what cost?

Indirect labor is part of overhead costs and included in total product cost.

Is indirect labor a prime cost?

Indirect labor is that kind of labor which is not directly involved in making of unit of product that's why it is not a direct labor and that's why it is not prime cost of unit of product and that's why it is shown in overheads

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Indirect labor

Direct and indirect labor costs?

Direct labor cost is that labor which directly related with manufacturing of products like machine workers etc while indirect labor cost is that labor cost which directly not manufacturing product but required as well like line mangers or factory supervisors salary etc.

Direct cost vs indirect cost?

Direct cost is that cost which is directly attributable to units of product like raw material and labor while indirect cost is not directly attributable like factory maintenance cost.

Prime cost and conversion cost?

Prime cost = direct materials + direct laborwhile conversion cost = direct labor + factory overhead( which includes indirect materials, indirect labor and other indirect costs

Is a manufacturing plant managers salary a direct labor cost?

Manufacturing plant manager is not directly related to manufacture of unit of product that's why it is not direct labor cost instead of that it is indirect cost and goes to overhead account

Is indirect labor a variable or mixed cost?

It is a variable cost!!

Is indirect labor a part of prime cost?

Direct material and direct labor are the parts of prime cost while indirect labor is part of manufacturing overhead and manufacturing overhead is a part of conversion cost that's why indirect labor is not part of prime cost because it is that type of labor which is not directly identifiable with units production that;s why cannot charge directly to production units.

Is indirect labor part of prime cost?

Only direct material and direct labor is part of prime cost while overheads are part of conversion cost so indirect labor is part of overheads so automatically part of conversion cost and not prime cost.