

Is infinity a digit

Updated: 10/24/2023
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8mo ago

No, infinity is not a digit. It is a concept used in mathematics to represent a quantity that is larger than any number. In the decimal system, digits are the symbols used to represent numbers (0-9).

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Q: Is infinity a digit
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Infinity is not a number so we would not know how many digit would be in infinity it just something that you can tell endless that is why infinity was invented

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0, or -1 to -infinity

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The smallest single digit whole number, i.e. integer, is -9. The phrase whole number should not be confused with the natural numbers, integers that go from 1 to +infinity. A whole number is any number that is in the set of integers, that is, the group of integers ranging from -infinity to +infinity.

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Pi doesn't have a last digit - it goes on for infinity (it also doesn't seem to repeat itself, so there can't even be a philosophical argument for the last digit).

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A palindromic number can have as few as one digit, and as many as infinity. The smallest palindromic number is zero and the largest is '999... to infinity'.