

Is irrelevant a word

Updated: 9/27/2023
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Q: Is irrelevant a word
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Related questions

What is the root of irrelevant?

The root word for irrelevant is relevant. Irrelevant just means "not relevant."

What is a good sentence using the word irrelevant?

the answer im giving you is irrelevant

What is a sentence with the word irrelevant in it?

This sentence is not irrelevant.The evidence is irrelevant to the case at hand.You have given me all the irrelevant paperwork.

What is the origin of the word irrelevant?

The word origin of irrelevant is Latin, like many other words in ur language.

What is the root word of irrelevant?

The root word of irrelevant is "relevant," which comes from the Latin word "relevare" meaning "to lift up" or "to alleviate."

How can the word irrelevant be put into a sentence?

Asking a blind man what he saw would be an irrelevant question.

How do you use the word irrelevant?

"The facts are irrelevant in this case, your Honor!",blurted the defendant.Coloration of prepared foods at presentation is not irrelevant to its' level of appreciation by the intended consumer.

What the root word of irrelevant?

relevant =D

What is a word meaning irrelevant or not important?


How do you use the word irrelevant in a sentence?

News reporters should avoid including irrelevant information in their stories. Ideally, the gender of an employee should be irrelevant when considering promotions.

A word that means does not matter?

unimportant irrelevant Trivial

What word defines irrelevant facts or arguments to distract?

I think the word you're looking for is erroneous