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Q: Is is true When tracking changes insertions are always blue and deletions are always strikethrough?
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When tracking changes insertions are always blue and deletions are always strikethrough true or false?

False. In most tracking changes systems, insertions are typically displayed in a different color (such as blue) and deletions are shown with strikethrough formatting. However, users can usually customize these settings to choose their own colors for tracking changes.

What are some limitations of the karyotype as a test for genetic abnormalities?

Karyotypes will only detect large changes in chromosome structure: large deletions and insertions (1000's) of base pairs, translocations, inversions, duplications etc. Things that are diagnosed with karyotyoes include: Downs syndrome (trisomy 21). High Resolution R-Band staining can resolve up to 500 basepairs, however I don't believe this is reliable for diagnostic purposes. They will not detect single nucleotide changes, deletions, or insertions. The majority of genetic diseases are caused by single (or fewer than 10) base pair changes.

Mutation results from an extra nucleotide being added into the sequence?

Not necessarily. Mutations can result from a variety of changes to the DNA sequence, including substitutions, deletions, or insertions of nucleotides. These changes can be spontaneous errors during DNA replication, exposure to mutagens, or environmental factors.

What is Database state?

The database state refers to the collection of data stored in the database at a specific point in time. It represents the current values of all data elements, tables, and relationships within the database. Changes to the database, such as insertions, updates, or deletions, can alter its state.

Situations in which a UTC might require modification or cancellation?

changes in capability; equipment or manpower modifications, additions, or deletions; manpower modifications, additions, or deletions; and changes in supported command requirements.

What are the types of gene mutations?

Deletion (resulting in a frame shift), duplication (also resulting in a frame shift), or a plain old SNP (change of base). You might also be looking for one which changes the amino acid coding sequence and one that does not.

Two causes of mutation?

Two types of mutations are Point Mutations and the other is Frameshift Mutations. Piont mutations include; deletions, insertions, and substitutions. These mutations casue a slight change in the amino acid usually resulting in a change in one amino acid. The second type, frameshift mutations involve many changes and almost always results in many changes in the codons.

What is the new mRNA strand produced by a mutated gene?

The new mRNA strand produced by a mutated gene may contain errors in the sequence due to a change in the gene's DNA sequence. This can lead to changes in the resulting protein, affecting its structure or function. Mutations can range from single nucleotide changes to large deletions or insertions, altering the mRNA sequence accordingly.

What is rearranged in genes?

In genes, the order of the nucleotide bases can be rearranged. This rearrangement can involve changes such as insertions, deletions, or mutations in the sequence of DNA, which can ultimately lead to variations in the genetic code and result in different traits or characteristics.

How does a mutation occur?

A mutation is a change in the DNA sequence that can arise spontaneously during cell division, due to errors in DNA replication or exposure to environmental factors like radiation or chemicals. Mutations can also be inherited from parents and can occur in different ways, such as single nucleotide changes, insertions, deletions, or rearrangements of DNA segments.

What kind of scientist might use radio tracking?

A meteorologist while tracking weather changes, veterinarians tracking endangered animals, marine zoologist tracking feeding/mating patterns or ocean born creatures.

What is congressional reauthorization?

Reauthorization is a process that Congress prescribes to make changes, additions, and deletions to the Higher Education Act. Congressional reauthorization adjusts the current programs to meet the changes that are currently needed in education.