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Q: Is it ALWAYS possible to draw a line or curve of best fit in a scatter plot?
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How do you find a line of best fit from scatter plot?

The line of best fit is simply the line that shows the general direction of the graph. The trick is to make the line go through as many points on the graph as possible. Some scatter plots have no line of best fit.

When should I draw a smooth curve a best fit line or only join the plots (I am especially thinking about Biology for that last one)?

You should use a curve if the scatter plot shows a clear curving shape. Otherwise draw a straight line. But a line of best fit should never zigzag from point to point.

What are the best possible solutions of poverty?

EDUCATION will be always the best possible solution of poverty.

What is the best curve for junior hockey sticks?

The best curve for me might not be the best curve for you. It's about personal preference.

Does the trend line always pass through every point on a scatter plot?

No. When you draw a best line of fit on the scattered plot, the line would not be straight.

Are trends best observed in scatter plots line graphs or circle graphs?

scatter plot and line graph

What are the release dates for America's Best - 2013 America's Best Scatter 1-5?

America's Best - 2013 America's Best Scatter 1-5 was released on: USA: 12 February 2013

What is the line that lies as close as possible to all the data points in a scatter plot?

the line of best fit if you have any more math questions conmtact me at

What player has the best curve and freekick ac in fifa 12?

beckham, best curve

What does a scatter plot graph show?

It can showwhether or not there is any relationship between two variables,the nature of the relationship - linear, quadratic, inverse, power etc,precision of relationship: the spread or scatter around the curve of best fit,whether the scatter is constant or changes (heteroscedasticity),presence of outliers,clustering (eg heights v/s weight of adults may show one cluster of points for men and another for women. If so, gender is another relevant variable).

Which of the chart is best to show continuous data?

scatter plot

What is social image?

To always laugh and happy and try and have as many friends as possible but always have a best friend