It can be. For example, height is a continuous variable. If you wanted to show what proportion of the children in your school were in various bands of height, you could use a pie chart.
line graph
There isn't a specific chart for skewed data, but you could use a number of different charts to show that data is skewed. An Area chart could be used for example, or a column chart could also work. It would depend in the nature of the data.
Number lines
A spreadsheet does not show a pictorial form, but you can use the data in a spreadsheet to generate a chart, which will show a picture representing the data.
A bar graph would be best to show a change in data that is not continuous, as it allows for discrete categories to be visually compared easily. The gaps between bars help to emphasize that the data points are distinct and not continuous.
It can be. For example, height is a continuous variable. If you wanted to show what proportion of the children in your school were in various bands of height, you could use a pie chart.
line graph
You should use a bar chart when you have a categoric or an ordered independent variable and a continuous dependent variable. You should use a line graph when you have continuous data E.g continuous dependent. So if you wanted to show individual totals like sales for each month of the year, each could be a separate bar. You could use a line chart to show how changes are on a continuous basis.
There is no single answer to that. Different kinds of charts can be used, depending on what you want to show. What the best chart is, will depend on the data and what you want to demonstrate about it. Any chart can be embedded, so they will all work. You would not choose a particular kind of chart if it was not suitable to your data.
if u need to show growth it is easer to show it on a chart then to write it out
XY Chart
Pie Chart
You can use a embedded chart or use a chart with a data table attached to it.
There isn't a specific chart for skewed data, but you could use a number of different charts to show that data is skewed. An Area chart could be used for example, or a column chart could also work. It would depend in the nature of the data.
To emphasize a particular data point.
A line graph is not a good way to represent the data as the number of CDs is a continuous variable, but the artists are a discrete, categoric variable. A line graph should be used when both variables are continuous. A bar chart or bar graph should be used when one variable is continuous and one is discrete.