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Q: Is it True or false Competent person are not necessary when scaffolds are being moved?
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Competent persons are not necessary when scaffolds are being moved?

Competent persons are always necessary when scaffolds are being moved to ensure proper dismantling, transportation, and reassembly. This helps prevent accidents and ensures the safety of workers and others in the area. Moving scaffolds without competent persons can lead to serious injuries or even fatalities.

What is the definition competent?

Being competent means having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully.

What Under Pennsylvania law a competent observer must be on board when a person is being towed behind a vessel. Which of these describes a competent observer?

A competent observer in Pennsylvania is someone who is at least 12 years old, understands their duties, is attentive the entire time the person is being towed, and can communicate with the operator and the person being towed effectively.

Make a sentence with the word overseen?

The work was being overseen by a competent person with many years experience.

What right other than to remain silent does a person have when being indicted for a crime?

Representation by a competent attorney, trial by a jury of peers, right to confront the accuser.

Does having a lawyer benefits the non-custodial parent?

Yes. Being represented by a competent attorney benefits any person who is involved in a court action. The average person has no idea of what their legal rights and responsibilities are. An attorney is experienced in the law and with the particular court. She/he will negotiate the best arrangement or agreement possible for their client under legal rules and guidelines.Yes. Being represented by a competent attorney benefits any person who is involved in a court action. The average person has no idea of what their legal rights and responsibilities are. An attorney is experienced in the law and with the particular court. She/he will negotiate the best arrangement or agreement possible for their client under legal rules and guidelines.Yes. Being represented by a competent attorney benefits any person who is involved in a court action. The average person has no idea of what their legal rights and responsibilities are. An attorney is experienced in the law and with the particular court. She/he will negotiate the best arrangement or agreement possible for their client under legal rules and guidelines.Yes. Being represented by a competent attorney benefits any person who is involved in a court action. The average person has no idea of what their legal rights and responsibilities are. An attorney is experienced in the law and with the particular court. She/he will negotiate the best arrangement or agreement possible for their client under legal rules and guidelines.

How were the Renaissance artist trained?

By being apprenticed to an older, competent artist.

How were renaissance artists trained?

By being apprenticed to an older, competent artist.

What is the top of the scaffolding on Big Nate island?

The school is being repaired and there are bricks on the wooden platforms to the right of the school. Climb up the scaffolds to find the comic piece.

What is competent counsel?

A representative who has the knowledgable backround for the case being presented in the court system. competent in the area needed and specified, also reputable. check his or her background before hiring.

What do you call a person who thinks he is being harassed?

A person who believes they are being harassed could be called a victim or complainant, depending on the context of their situation. It's essential to provide them with the necessary support and resources to address their concerns.

What is tissue engineering?

Tissue engineering is a field that combines principles of engineering and life sciences to create functional tissues and organs. It involves using biomaterials, cells, and biochemical factors to create structures that can be implanted or used in the human body for therapeutic purposes. The goal is to replace or repair damaged tissues and organs.