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No, you just ran out of juice for a while. It takes a little time for the body to produce more. You will have more tomorrow or possibly later today.

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Q: Is it bad when you ejaculate 3 times and on the third time no semen comes out?
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Can you get pregnant if you stroke it in like 10 times?

Yes. The pre-ejaculate does contain semen.

Why is semen sometimes thin?

Semen will vary day to day and every man is different. There is no right consistency. On average it will be some what thick, but watery is normal also. It also depends on how often you ejaculate. If you ejaculate once a week, then semen will be thick. If you ejaculate several times a day, it will be thin and watery (but still with millions of sperm in it).

Does semen sting the eyes?

Yes, semen can sting the eyes due to its pH level, which is typically slightly alkaline. If semen comes in contact with the eyes, it may cause irritation, redness, and discomfort. It is recommended to flush the eyes with water if this occurs.

What is the best fruit to increase sperm?

Probably not. The thickness of your semen is due to the amount of sperm that it contains. If you don't ejaculate for a while your semen will be full of sperm and pretty thick. If you ejaculate several times in quick succession you don't give your body a chance to replace the sperm that it has just lost so your semen gets thinner and thinner (because it is more liquid and has less sperm).

Can a pre-ejaculate on hand cause pregnancy if it comes in contact with vulva?

It is possible, but less likely percentage wise since it still does contain some semen. This is why the pull out method oft times fails, Even before orgasm, a male can impregnate a female.

Is it healthy to ejaculate semen?

Medically there is nothing wrong with it, but a couple of slight benefits. People who ejaculate more often are often times more relaxed, and cumming is a natural antihistamine so it could help with hay-fever (a constant runny nose) and allergies.

Does giving away sperm everyday affect a male's sexual life?

If you ejaculate several times a day, the volume of semen in each ejaculation will decrease somewhat. Other than that, there is no adverse effect.

How does semen supposed to look?

It will vary day to day and every man is different. There is no right consistency. On average it will be some what thick, but watery is normal also. It also depends on how often you ejaculate. If you ejaculate once a week, then semen will be thick. If you ejaculate several times a day, it will be thin and watery (but still with millions of sperm in it).

Should you be concerned if your semen is a pinkish color?

If your ejaculate is coming out pinkish, I would suspect it to be tinted by diluted blood. Even though it may just be a bit of blood in your semen, I would go immediately to see a Urologist, because blood in any amount should NOT be in your ejaculate. It may not be life threatening, but you should see a doctor that specializes in this area. Don't put it off and don't be embarrased to see a Urologist; they examine the scrotum and penis a hundred times a day. Pinkish ejaculate is NOT NORMAL. GOOD LUCK!

Is it okay to make semen once a week for 18th boy?

If you are the girl, then of course its okay, you can make a boy ejaculate as many times as you like in one day until he says "stop". Sperm doesn't last forever and needs time to replenish. If you are the boy, yes you can ejaculate once a week, there is nothing wrong with that.

Should sperm be thick or like a liquid?

Semen will vary day to day and every man is different. There is no right consistency. On average it will be some what thick, but watery is normal also. It also depends on how often you ejaculate. If you ejaculate once a week, then semen will be thick. If you ejaculate several times a day, it will be thin and watery (but still with millions of sperm in it).

How do u ejaculate. i know i can cause i have woken up many times with semen all over me. but when i masturbate nothing happens. is there anything else used besides PC muscles?

It's fairly normal to go through a faze where you ejaculate only during wet dreams and can't do it waking, no worries it'll pass in a few months at most.