White lines on the road can mean several things. Double white lines down the centre of the road means do not cross or overtake in a vehicle. Dashed line on your side means you can overtake if it is safe to do so.White lines are used to mark lanes so drivers can stick to a lane and not veer across the road. Look on any road for examples.
The x an y axis looks like a cross or road intersection. It is one line perpendicular to another.
Median line.
The statement is neither true or false,"crossing a road from behind a road"simply does not make sense as a statement - how can you cross a road from behind a road!
cross at the next interesecting road.
Yes. It doesn't matter where you are. When driving a solid line means do not cross and a dotted means you are able to but do it carefully.
do not cross to change lanes or pass
When there are broken double white lines in the road, it means you can cross the lines to pass as long as it is safe. You must be able to safely be back in your lane before you reach a solid white line.
A continuous white line menas there is no overtaking allowed. previous answer wrong . It means you cannot cross the line
When we will not cross the road on zebra crossing then harmful accident not happen.
case it is ok
a public road at an illegal point
This varies from state to state, but in general it is illegal to pass if the road you are on is marked "no passing" or "stay in lane". It is illegal to pass by crossing into an oncoming lane if you cross a double solid yellow line, or if the double line on your side is solid. It is illegal to pass a stopped school bus. It is illegal to pass in a toll plaza. It is also illegal to pass in an unsafe manner. It is illegal to cross over a herring-bone area or a median.
It is legal. The white solid line in refrence I believe is a cautionary passing line. Meaning: have caution while crossing over to the next lane. This is also between the HOV lane and the regular traffic lanes on the freeways. However, it is illegal to cross double solid lines. This is not a passing nor crossing zone.
IRT White Plains Road Line was created in 1904.
to bounce on the line
In New Hampshire, crossing a solid white line is generally not allowed. Solid white lines indicate that lane changes are discouraged or prohibited, as they are typically used to separate lanes of traffic moving in the same direction. It is important to follow traffic laws and regulations to ensure safety on the road and avoid potential fines or penalties for illegal maneuvers.