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yes it is impossible to have a shape with 2 sides

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Q: Is it impossible to have a shape with 2 sides?
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What is the 3 and 2 square?

A 3 and 2 square is an impossible shape. The sides of a square must be the same length.

What shape has no parallel sides and 1 perpendicular sides?

No anwser impossible

How will you draw a triangle using 2 lines?

It is impossible two have a triangle that only has two sides. By definition a triangle is a shape that has three sides.

What shape has 3 sides and no corners?

That's impossible, because if a shape has sides, then it means it has corners, and vice versa.

Which 3d shape has 1 face?

That's impossible. A shape has three or more sides/faces. There is NO shape that has one or two sides/faces

Is a trapezoid with all sides congruent?

A trapezium with all its sides congruent is an impossible shape.

What do you call a polygon with two sides?

It is impossible to create a 2D shape using only 2 straight lines. The smallest polygon has 3 sides - a triangle.

What is a shape with 2 triangle sides and 2 rectangle sides?

There is no such shape.

What 2D shape has four sides which are not equal in length that has 2 equal acute angles and 2 obtuse angles and has no lines of symmetry?


What is a polygon with ten sides and ten angles?

A shape with ten sides and seven vertex is impossible. There must always be the same amount of sides as vertex in a shape.

What is a polygon called with ten sides and seven angles?

A shape with ten sides and seven vertex is impossible. There must always be the same amount of sides as vertex in a shape.

What is a squashed square with 4 sides but no right angles?

An impossible shape