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Q: Is it normal to be born with twelve fingers?
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What does it mean when you are born with twelve fingers?

Being born with twelve fingers, also known as polydactyly, is a congenital condition where a person has extra fingers or toes. It is typically a benign condition and can be surgically corrected if necessary. Some cultures view polydactyly as a sign of good luck or uniqueness.

What is normal color for tops of fingers?

a normal color for the tops of your fingers should be the same color of the rest of your fingers

What was the name of the giant that had twelve fingers in the Bible.?


What is the difference between the words normal and healthy?

From my perspective the difference between normal and healthy in reference to a child is this. Normal when being born you have all your toes, fingers and no abnormalities with the child's body. You can still be healthy even if you have toes and fingers or some abnormalities. yvette

What word describes a woman who does not have all her fingers in one hand?

A normal woman with 5 fingers in each hand.

How is the number 10 evidenced in nature?

Look at the number of digits (fingers and thumbs) on any normal pair of hands.Look at the number of digits (fingers and thumbs) on any normal pair of hands.Look at the number of digits (fingers and thumbs) on any normal pair of hands.Look at the number of digits (fingers and thumbs) on any normal pair of hands.

How many fingers are normal to have?


Does a normal person have 5 fingers?

well.................. um I guess not if your talking about their fingers.

How many fingers do most people have?

The average human has 10 fingers. For the sake of pedantry, a thumb is a specialised finger.

Is it normal when you have a fever my hands and fingers are numb?

my son has a 102.2 fever he is 18 years old but his hands and fingers are numb! is that normal?

What word describes a woman who does not have all fingers on one hand?

A normal woman with 5 fingers in each hand.

Why are measurement systems that are based on powers of ten easier for people to use?

most people are born with ten fingers. truly, if they all had six per finger we'd likely be using base 12, or a twelve digit number system. most people are born with ten fingers. truly, if they all had six per finger we'd likely be using base 12, or a twelve digit number system.