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Q: Is it ok is a crush lasts for more then 4 months?
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Lol you call your crush hobnocker?! That's so cute :) it's fine as long as he/ she is fine with it! Enjoy your crush

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oh, ok in that case, i crush on you too. heres my declaration of love: I LOVE YOU

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OF COURSE! Why not? ^.^

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No it is not okay.

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Its ok, your not that much shorter than your crush.

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It is okay to have a crush on your cousin but it is a little awkward to be in love/have a crush on your 1st or 2nd cousin in my opinion

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sometimes your period can be irregular.... stress, illnesses, etc can affect your period. If this lasts more than a few months, see a doctor

Is it ok if you have a crush on a 6th grade girl but you are only in 5th grade?

There is nothing wrong with a crush being 6 months younger or older than you. You will have many crushes over time and some may be the same age and others may not. People are attracted to other people and age is not always a barrier or even a factor when you like someone so don't worry about that aspect of it and just enjoy having your crush.