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Q: Is it possible for a odd degree to have no real zeros?
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Why an odd-degree function must always have at least one real root?

An odd-degree function approaches positive infinity in one direction and negative infinity in the other direction so the graph must cross the x-axis at least once, giving it at least one real root.

What number is a 1 followed 9 zeros?

A billion (1,000,000,000) is a number that and in great Brittni 12 zeros. This is In between 999,999,999 and 1,000,000,001. This is nether even or odd because it ends with a 0 commonly people say its even because its in between to odd numbers.

What is a conjecture for multiplying two odd numbers?

One possible conjecture: The product is always an odd number. Another possible conjecture: The product is always greater than either of them. Another possible conjecture: Both odd numbers are always factors of the product. Another possible conjecture: The product is never a multiple of ' 2 '. Another possible conjecture: The product is always a real, rational number. Another possible conjecture: The product is always an integer.

How is the Degree of a polynomial function related to range?

If the domain is infinite, any polynomial of odd degree has infinite range whereas a polynomial of even degree has a semi-infinite range. Semi-infinite means that either the range has a real minimum but no maximum (ie maximum = +infinity) or that it has a real maximum but no minimum (ie minimum = -infinity).

Is possible sum of five odd number30?

No. The sum of any odd number of odd numbers will be an odd number.

What is the square root of 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000?

Count the number of zeros in the above number. Suppose that number is n. If n is even, then the answer is ±1 followed by n/2 zeros. If n is odd, then it is ±3.1623 followed by (n-1)/2 zeros, approx.

What is the largest odd number possible?

the largest odd number is 9

Is it possible to get an even number when you add an odd and an even number?

No it is not possible to get a even number by adding odd and even number. 1+2=3-odd number.3+4=7-odd number.

What is the relationship between the degree of a polynomial and the number of roots it has?

In answering this question it is important that the roots are counted along with their multiplicity. Thus a double root is counted as two roots, and so on. The degree of a polynomial is exactly the same as the number of roots that it has in the complex field. If the polynomial has real coefficients, then a polynomial with an odd degree has an odd number of roots up to the degree, while a polynomial of even degree has an even number of roots up to the degree. The difference between the degree and the number of roots is the number of complex roots which come as complex conjugate pairs.

Is it true that the degree of polynomial function determine the number of real roots?

Sort of... but not entirely. Assuming the polynomial's coefficients are real, the polynomial either has as many real roots as its degree, or an even number less. Thus, a polynomial of degree 4 can have 4, 2, or 0 real roots; while a polynomial of degree 5 has either 5, 3, or 1 real roots. So, polynomial of odd degree (with real coefficients) will always have at least one real root. For a polynomial of even degree, this is not guaranteed. (In case you are interested about the reason for the rule stated above: this is related to the fact that any complex roots in such a polynomial occur in conjugate pairs; for example: if 5 + 2i is a root, then 5 - 2i is also a root.)

How do you add 7 odd numbers which equals 50?

It is not possible. The sum of 7 odd numbers must be odd while 50 is not odd.

What are the 9 odd numbers which gives the sum eighty?

Not possible ! If you add an odd number of odd numbers together, the result will ALWAYS be odd !